We are happy to announce the addition of the Consumer Reports.org database to the multitude of other electronic resources the library has to offer to East Meadow residents from their home computers via our Website www.eastmeadow.info. You can find the link to Consumer Reports by clicking on Research Databases on the left side of the library’s Home Page and then clicking on Consumer Information from the subject list. Consumer Reports.org, the largest paid-publication subscription-based website in the world, enables consumers to make better purchasing decisions on the products they are shopping for. Whether a user is looking to find the best deal on an LCD TV, or researching the top-recommended used vehicles, ConsumerReports.org provides ratings and reviews, recommendations, and buying advice for thousands of products and services independent of bias – they accept no advertising. Try it for yourself the next time you are about to make a decision about which camera or car, new or used, to purchase. Or check out the dozens of other products Consumer Reports evaluates each year. Need help finding this database or have a question you need answering? Just give the Reference Desk a call 794-2570 ext 550 or drop us an email here, or better still, come on in and visit us in person Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9-9, Wednesday, 11-9, Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 1-5. We will help you find whatever you need.
Category: Research Databases
Encyclopædia Britannica 21st-Century Explorer
A new electronic resource for pre-K through 12th grade students was added to the library’s extensive collection of Research Databases.
From the publisher: “Britannica’s new 21st-Century Explorer provides reference and learning tools for students who read below grade level, are dealing with specific learning problems, or are at risk of falling behind. This user-friendly collection contains all of the resources that students need including encyclopedias, an atlas, historic timelines, a dictionary, news, and other essential learning tools. 21st-Century Explorer is ideal for reluctant readers, ELL and ESL students, and adult literacy students.”
The resource can be accessed from home via the library website or by visiting the library in person. More information about the product is available from the publisher.