Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain/renew a library card?

You may obtain a card if you live in the East Meadow School District (EMSD).

The library now offers two ways to apply for a card. You can apply in person at the library, or you can fill out our online application. Library cards will be immediately available with in person applications. For online applications the new card will be mailed to your home address.

New Card Online Application:

To apply for a library card online, fill out the library’s online application form and supply one form of valid ID. The following ID types are acceptable: Driver’s License, non-driver ID, or ToH Senior ID card.

Apply for a library card online here.

New Card In Person Application:

Bring two forms of identification. Acceptable identification is defined as follows:

  1. A valid driver’s license or other identification with a photo and a current residential address*; and
  2. A utility bill, credit card bill, current car registration, insurance card, property tax bill, mortgage statement, bank statement, typed lease, landlord’s notarized letter, or school identification.

* A U.S. Government-issued military I.D. will be accepted as one form of identification.

Military personnel and residents of 200 Carman Avenue (residents at NUMC) are entitled to library cards.  The patron must show current proof of residence.

Teachers employed by the EMSD are also eligible for a library card (without direct access to Nassau Co. Libraries) which will expire annually. A letter from the school stating that they are currently employed will be sufficient to establish eligibility.

Non-residents who own property in the East Meadow School District also may have a library card if they show current identification and a tax bill for the property they own. This library card will be valid for one year.

Patrons whose cards are issued for one year will be asked to verify their qualifying information annually. All other cardholders are required to verify their residency every three years by presenting one form of identification.

Children’s library cards will be issued to all children. Their parent/guardian must present two forms of identification (their library card is acceptable) which show proof of residence in the School District. Children’s library cards will have full access to all children’s material.

When a patron reaches the sixth grade, they are considered a Young Adult and are issued an adult card. They will be entitled to take out all material except R-rated movies until the age of 18.

Renew Your Card:

Resident library cards expire every three years. You can renew your card in person at the library or online.

To renew your card online click here and select Issue with Current Library Card as the Type of Request, fill out the requested information and supply one form of Valid ID. A library staff member will contact you when your card has been updated.

To renew your card in person bring your expired card and a valid ID to the Circulation Desk.

How do I get or change a PIN?

If you don’t know your account PIN, you will have to contact the Library’s Circulation Desk for assistance.  Telephone (516) 794-2570, option 6 or dial zero.

If you have forgotten your PIN and you’ve shared your email address with the Library, try a PIN reset.

If you know your PIN and would like to change it:

  1. Use the MY ACCOUNT link and log in using your card number and PIN.
  2. Once logged in, click the “Edit pin” link.

How do I find a book or DVD?

Connect to the library’s catalog by clicking on the “CATALOG” link that appears on the top of this webpage.  You can check the holdings of 51 public libraries in Nassau County, including East Meadow.  Not only can you tell which library owns what, you can also see if the item in question is in or out.  You may also request and renew most items.  The web address for the library catalog is

How do I borrow an eBook?

The East Meadow Public Library is part of the Nassau Digital Doorway (NDD), providing online access for your reading and listening pleasure.  Download and read or listen to content on your home computer, tablet, smartphone, or e-reader.

With your East Meadow Public Library card, you can:

  1. download audiobooks to your compatible device;
  2. download eBooks to read on your computer screen or other compatible eBook reading device.

An audiobook is a sound recording of a book you listen to. An eBook is a digital version of a book you can read.

Instructions and help can be found on the NDD website or visit or call the library’s Reference Desk.

How do I download audiobooks?

The East Meadow Public Library is part of the Nassau Digital Doorway (NDD), providing online access for your reading and listening pleasure.  Download and read or listen to content on your home computer, tablet, smartphone, or e-reader.

With your East Meadow Public Library card, you can:

  1. download audiobooks to your compatible device;
  2. download eBooks to read on your computer screen or compatible eBook reading device.

An audiobook is a sound recording of a book you listen to. An eBook is a digital version of a book you can read.

Instructions and help can be found on the NDD website or visit or call the library’s Reference Desk.

How do I access my account?

Click the MY ACCOUNT button that appears on this webpage.  This will take you to the log in screen for the Library Catalog.  You will be asked to supply your library card number and Personal Identification Number (PIN).  Be sure to enter your card number with no spaces.  If you haven’t established a PIN for your account, simply leave the PIN box blank, click the LOGIN button, and you’ll be prompted to enter a new PIN.  You can use the ‘Forgot your PIN?’ link to reset an existing PIN (an e-mail address must be associated with your account).  MY ACCOUNT allows you to:

• See what is checked out and when items are due • Renew material (see renew section below) • Enable e-mail notices (see notices section below) • Reserve material (see reserve section below) • Maintain a reading history (you must opt-in before this feature is enabled) • Freeze requests (so that they are not filled while on vacation) • Turn on mobile alerts via text message (you must opt-in to enable this feature) • Save preferred searches and receive e-mail as new items are added to the catalog matching your search criteria

If you encounter problems with the MY ACCOUNT feature, please call the library at 516-794-2570 and choose option 2.

How do I renew material?

There are three ways to renew books and other items: in person, by phone, or online by clicking the MY ACCOUNT button.  You will be asked to supply your library card number and Personal Identification Number (PIN).  If you haven’t established a PIN for your account, simply leave the PIN box blank, click the Submit button, and you’ll be prompted to create one.  You can use the ‘Forgot your PIN?’ link to reset an existing PIN.  Once logged in to your account, click the ‘items checked out’ link to see what you currently have borrowed.  You may select titles individually and then click ‘renew selected items’ or you may ‘renew all.’  If the material is eligible for renewal, it will renew for half the original loan period.  You may only renew eligible material twice.  If you encounter problems with this feature, please call the library at 516-794-2570 and choose option 2.

How do I request material?

  1. In person at the Reference Desk -or-
  2. By calling the library, 516-794-2570, option 2 -or-
  3. By using the CATALOG. From your search results, click the Request it button. The system will then ask you for your library barcode (card number) and PIN.  Once you click Request you may enter an expiration date (optional) and then click Submit.

How do I receive notices via e-mail?

If you would like to receive notices via e-mail, simply add your e-mail address to your library account.  This may be accomplished a number of ways:

  1. In person at the Circulation Desk -or-
  2. By calling the library at 516-794-2570 and dialing zero -or-
  3. By using the MY ACCOUNT button and signing in with your library card number and PIN.  From the search page, click on your name, which should appear in the upper-right portion of the screen.  Click the Edit account button, enter your email address in the

The following notices are sent via e-mail:

  1. Hold Pick-Up (alert that a requested item is available for pick-up)
  2. Courtesy Reminder (2 – 3 days before material is due)*
  3. Overdue Notice (17 days after due date)
  4. Bill Notice (17 days after Overdue Notice)

Once an e-mail address is stored in your account, you will receive the above correspondence by e-mail only.  If you prefer to receive a phone call for Hold Pick-Up and you prefer to have Overdue/Bill Notices sent via regular mail, do not enter an e-mail address.

* Courtesy Reminders are not sent for items that have a loan period of 3 days or shorter (i.e. new DVD movies).

NOTE: Please add to your address book or whitelist to ensure proper delivery of messages.

How do I find an article?

Start by selecting the Electronic Resources link.  Display an alphabetical listing of the available resources and select either ProQuest Research Library, General OneFile or for younger students, eLibrary Elementary, Kids InfoBits or Primary Search.  You will need to supply the card number from your East Meadow Public Library card to gain access to these resources.

Clicking on the aforementioned links brings you to basic search screens where you can type in the subject you are seeking being as specific as possible.  For example, the subject “mathematics” might be too general producing many more hits than perhaps, “Fibonacci numbers” might.

How do I research a subject?

The East Meadow Public Library’s website is the place to go when you are looking for information on any subject.  Check the CATALOG for books and media material.  Our list of Electronic Resources will be your entry point for magazine and newspaper articles in addition to encyclopedias and other electronic resources in many subject areas.  Once you make a selection you can key in a subject to find information.  You will need to supply the card number from your East Meadow Public Library card to gain access to these resources.  If you are unsure of where to start and are looking for articles, try ProQuest Research Library or General OneFile first.

How do I suggest a title be added?

Would you like to suggest a title for addition to the Library’s collection?  If so, let us know by submitting the suggestion online. Please note: The library can borrow material from other libraries throughout the United States. Please see the How do I request material? FAQ entry above if you’d like to place an inter-library loan request instead.

How do I donate to the library?

Please visit the DONATE page of this website for more information.