EMPL Relocation RFP
Phasing Notes (revised 5/17):
Phase 1: estimated duration 4 weeks, tentatively scheduled to begin 6/24/19.
- Purpose: move out materials to be put in storage, build dividing firewall, asbestos abatement on west side.
- FIRST MOVE: Move selected non-fiction collection to east side. Move all non-selected items and those without a ‘white dot’ to storage.
Phase 2: estimated duration 4-6 weeks, tentatively scheduled to end mid to late August.
- Purpose: Library to provide services from east side of building.
- Renovation of west side for us to occupy.
- SECOND MOVE: After this phase, once west end is finished and ready, selected company is to move public collection from the east side to the west side. Taking the fiction, media and children’s material to storage.
Phase 3: estimated duration 12-15 months, to be determined.
- Purpose: to serve public from 8,700 sq. ft. of the west side of building.
- Construction begins on east side of building.
- THIRD MOVE: After this phase, once east side construction is finished, moving company to come back and move public collection to completed east side of building.
Phase 4: estimated duration 4 months, to be determined.
- Purpose: to serve public from completed east side of building while west side is being renovated.
FOURTH AND FINAL MOVE: Library completed, all material to be brought back to building.
Answers to Some Anticipated Questions:
- The total collection is 215,000. Part of that number is the approximately 34,000 items down in basement storage. This is in addition to the 5,000 linear feet of periodicals and journals which will go into storage with the first move.
- Non-fiction: 68,000 items
- Fiction: 60,000 items
- Reference: 25,000 items
- Children’s: 33,000 items
- Young Adult: 5,000 items
- Media: 24,000
- Main level material will need to be integrated with whatever collection is already on the shelf in the fourth move. Basement collection returns to the shelves they came from.
- Materials will be stored for approximately 2 years.
- All boxes of books should be on pallets or appropriate warehouse shelves.
Questions and Clarifications from Walk-through (5/16/19):
1: What shelving on the west side will be kept?
- Phase 1: As you can see from the plan for the west side below, we will need to re-use 13 ranges of 10 sections each (5 sections double-sided).
- On the main floor plan, we will need those 11 ranges + 2 ranges taken apart and left there to be put back up.

2: What shelving on the west side should be dismantled and discarded?
- The Reference stacks to the north of the reference desk which run east to west will need to be dismantled and discarded along with the approximate 510 linear feet of material. See Main Level Floor Plan B.
3: What shelving in the Children’s room?
- Phase 2 to 3: Please see Main Level Floor Plan A. Red to be relocated to west side, blue to be placed in storage.
4: Should the Children’s Reference Desk be dismantled and discarded?
- NO. The Library will handle it outside of this RFP.
5: In the RFP, under Phase 2 to 3, OMIT “move and store the director’s 3-piece furniture set”. Revise letter I to indicate “Move and store selected art work.”
6: Which media shelving should be dismantled?
- Dismantle media shelving as noted on Main Level Floor Plan B
7: What media shelving is moved to the west side?
- The DVD shelving seen in the photo here is to be moved to the west side. There are 7 units.
8: What media shelving should be stored?
- The 8 CD cabinets pictured here are to be stored. The units measure 41”W x 56”H x 32”D.
9: All material is to go into storage:
- Books: 34,000 items
- Periodicals: 5,000 linear feet
- Microfilm/fiche: 1,000 linear feet + 10 microfilm cabinet
10: Invoices to be issued as each phase has been completed.
Please note: During phase 1, the move will occur before construction begins. One of the first things to be constructed will be a fire wall. Once that is done there will not be access to the west side from the interior of the building.